FAQ Friday - October 2023

This FAQ Friday is focused on questions about hazardous chemical definitions. If you have any hazard communication questions or safety questions about common chemicals, ask in the comments below or send an email to contact@ariadne-hces.com. What is the Difference Between a Hazardous Chemical and a Hazardous Material? Both Hazardous Chemical and Hazardous Material have technical definitions within government regulations. Hazardous chemical means any chemical which is classified as a physical hazard or a health hazard, a simple asphyxiant, combustible dust, pyrophoric gas, or hazard not otherwise classified. 29 CFR 1910.1200(c) “Hazardous chemical” Hazardous material means a substance or material that the Secretary of Transportation has determined is capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, and property when transported in commerce, and has designated as hazardous under section 5103 of Federal hazardous materials transportation law (49 U.S.C. 5103). The ter...