Guide to Hazmat Shipping for Small Businesses


guide to hazmat shipping for small businesses, understand the rules and regulations for business success

Small Businesses Shipments

Many small businesses in the direct-to-consumer market rely on making fast, efficient shipments to their customers. An important part of fulfilling this part of business practice is making sure shipping is done correctly. This ensures that both people and products remain safe every step of the journey.

A surprisingly wide range of products can be considered hazardous for shipping, from electronics with lithium-ion batteries to fragrances to paints. These products can still be shipped but will be subject to labeling and packaging requirements.

Understanding Hazardous Materials Shipping Requirements

Shipping hazardous goods can be a complex task. AHCES has a growing series of articles to help explain what needs to be done, from training to labeling.

Hazardous Shipment Training Requirements

Introduction to DOT HMR Communications Requirements

Shipment by Transporation Method

  • Shipment by Road
  • Shipment by Rail
  • Shipment by Air
  • Shipment by Water

Overview of the DOT Hazard Classes

These guides provide a brief summary of the type of hazardous material that is covered by the class and any applicable overlap with the OSHA hazardous chemical classifications.


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